Mandy gets ass-fucked, P.O.V.-style

Mandy gets ass-fucked, P.O.V.-style

In the opening photos, 51-year-old wife and mom Mandy Monroe is taking a shower. A guy (we never see his face) knocks on the door and walks in.

"I'm so glad you're here," Mandy says. "I've been waiting for you."

She's ready for him. Judging by his hard-on, he's ready for her.

"I really was thinking about having it in my ass, too," Mandy says.

In addition to her mouth and pussy, that is.

By the way, in this scene, "you" is you, the viewer. The entire scene is in P.O.V., and you get to cum all over Mandy's butthole.

50Plus MILFs: What do you want to try that you haven't done?

Mandy: At this point, I have done a lot in my life. The things I want to try are the things I wouldn't think of. That happens a lot. You can't always plan or foresee the next good thing to come your way, and that makes life interesting and enjoyable. Aside from that, I do hope to re-experience many of the good times.

50Plus MILFs: What is sexy to you?

Mandy: Pre-cum drives me wild. Doing anything that makes Hubby uncontrollably horny is a rush. A confident man who knows what he wants and can bring that to the bedroom.

50Plus MILFs: How often do you have sex?

Mandy: Twice a day minimum is ideal for me, but sometimes it varies. I get grumpy if it's been many days. Just ask my husband!
Featuring: Mandy Monroe and Nicky Rebel
Date: October 28th, 2021
Photos: 95

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