Raven's naughty little secret is that she shows off her pussy and tits for all the world to see

Raven's naughty little secret is that she shows off her pussy and tits for all the world to see

Raven Swallowz, a 53-year-old MILF from Ohio, is back for more, and by more, we mean more cock. But for now, Raven is going to show off her big tits and play with her pussy. That's to get her warmed up and you warmed up. Not that you'll need any warming up after seeing Raven's impressive body. You're going to be sweating.

"I've done so many different things beyond what a normal person does, so I'm not sure if I have any other real fantasies that I haven't already fulfilled," Raven said. "I'd like to be one of the fluffers for a gangbang shoot. I once had sex on a sand dune in Myrtle Beach in broad daylight."

Raven is married and obviously has a very open-minded husband. She told us, "I have two personalities and lives, my real personal and family life and my adult entertainment life. I do not mix either and no one from my personal family life knows that I do porn."

That's the way it is with most of our MILFs. They have a naughty little secret, and although we know it and you know it, the only people back home who know it are their significant others and anyone else they want to tell. It's kinda like a woman walking around wearing crotchless panties or with a buzzer buzzing her pussy. Sometimes, naughty secrets are the best kind. Raven has plenty of them.
Featuring: Raven Swallowz
Date: June 13th, 2023
Photos: 107

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Member Comments

11 months ago 

This black beauty Raven should definitely become a semi professional porn star, by starting her own webcam site, since she has the beauty, athletic voluptuous figure and quim lips to get guys hypnotized and to giving her gifts galore.

1 year ago 

She is just so damn hot! She's like a custom built MILF of my fantasies. She's got a tight, lean muscular body, a nice arse, thick thighs and big (albeit fake) boobs, talk about an instant hard-on for me. Plus she's quite feminine, womanly and much older than me.

Please 50PlusMilfs.com and Score Group release more solo photo sets of Raven like this without her using toys of course.

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